Our Rakaia Dojo runs out of the Rakaia Community Centre providing you with:
Up to Date Equipment for all your exercise and combat needs!
Changing Rooms
Matted floor space
Viewing area
3 Free Classes - Contact us today! -
3 Free Classes - Contact us today! -
Where can you find Kennedys FMA Rakaia?
55 Elizabeth Ave, Rakaia
Book your first lesson!
Rakaia Class Timetable:
Juniors Class: Ages 4+ Belt Levels: Yellow - Purple
Monday and Wednesday 5pm - 5.45pm
Cadets Class: Ages 4+ Belt Level: Blue - Black
Monday and Wednesday 5.45pm - 6.30pm
Senior Class: Ages 11+ and Adults
Monday and Wednesday 6.45pm - 8pm
Membership Costs:
Membership Package: $150.00 (One off joining fee)
Included in the the package:
30% first term discount at sign up!
Term Fees
Term fees are invoiced at the start of every school term. You are more than welcome to pay these weekly, monthly or in full.
Term fees begin at $100 per term for one Child and $120 per term for one Adult.
Prefer to have a chat?
Call Sensei Amanda on 027 240 6398