Who is Kennedys Freestyle Martial Arts?
Virtue before Vice
Values before Vanity
Principles before Personalities
Who is Kennedy’s FMA
Kennedy's FMA is an ongoing collection of life experiences, up to date application based practices and hours of intense research, training, competition and instruction.
Having studied the martial arts for most of his life, Sensei Johnny wanted to have a martial arts organization that was not limited by rules and regulations, but allowed its members to grow and develop individually without being dragged down by the political restrictions that have encompassed the martial arts for centuries.
In 1994 Kennedy's FMA training centre was born. This was one of the first independent martial arts clubs in Christchurch that was not governed or controlled by anyone else but its members.
Our organization has now grown into one of the most recognized martial arts facilities throughout New Zealand and many parts of the world. We guarantee to give you the ultimate in martial arts training while maintaining a fun, friendly and safe training environment.
The benefits of Martial Arts Training!
Martial Arts training has many benefits:
Physical changes are usually the first to take place; more energy, increased strength and endurance and less stress that inevitably leads to increased confidence in yourself and your abilities.
You will also find your co-ordination, flexibility and overall self-image will improve when practicing martial arts.
Through time and hard work you will learn leadership skills, perseverance, failure, goal setting and accomplishment. vital tools to help you succeed in everyday life.
A Black Belt, is a White Belt that never quit.
Scott Maxwell
Promotion Program
Yellow Belt
Introduction to basic stand up skills including punching, kicking & defence.
Orange Belt
More advanced stand up skills focusing on correct form, technique, energy transfer and body movement.
Purple Belt
Advanced stand up skills including clinching, takedowns & joint manipulation techniques. First introduction to sparring - WKF style competition focusing on perfecting punching, kicking and defensive techniques in a safe controlled atmosphere.
Blue Belt
Advanced stand up skills including more clinching, takedowns & joint manipulation techniques. WKF Style sparring and WTF style sparring introduced to give students experience with semi contact sparring in a controlled environment.
Green Belt
Stand up & basic ground fighting skills including throws, takedowns, joint manipulation, chokes & strangulations techniques. WKF sparring, WTF sparring & BJJ ground fighting to give the student a broad range of skills from stand up to ground competition. No striking on the ground.
Red Belt
Stand up & advanced ground fighting skills including throws, takedowns, joint manipulation, chokes & strangulations techniques. WKF sparring, WTF sparring & BJJ ground fighting to give the student a broad range of skills from stand up to ground competition. No striking on the ground.
Brown Belt
Advanced Stand up & ground fighting skills including throws, takedowns, joint manipulation, chokes & strangulations techniques. WKF sparring, WTF sparring,BJJ and Thai boxing giving the student the ultimate stand up experience of full contact sparring.
Black Belt
Advanced Stand up & ground fighting skills including throws, takedowns, joint manipulation, chokes & strangulations techniques. WKF sparring, WTF sparring, BJJ, Thai boxing and MMA "the test of all tests" 20 rounds of sparring action testing your skills under 5 different fighting codes