Adult Classes
We take pride in providing classes that encompass a full range of offensive and defensive techniques.
Being a freestyle martial art we search the world for the most effective techniques over a broad range of diverse martial arts styles. These include, but are not limited to, Mau Thai Kickboxing, Jujitsu, Karate, Aikido, Taekwondo, Boxing, BJJ to name a few.
By the time our students reach the rank of black belt, they will have the necessary skills to deal with a variety of different situations that today's environment may throw at them.
Over many years of training and research Kennedys technical committee have developed what they believe to be some of the most effective techniques and principles within a combat setting.
Incorporated within our core syllabus are techniques from Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu. This comprehensive system was developed by World famous competitor, instructor and Author, Hanshi Patrick McCarthy (8th Dan). Included within this system is an extensive collection of impacting techniques (punching and kicking), grappling, throwing skills, locks, holds, immobilizations, takedowns and ground fighting. "THE COMPLETE SYSTEM", a way of training that covers all aspects of effective self-defense, physical training and mental well-being.